«GIF» είναι η λέξη της χρονιάς

«GIF» είναι η λέξη της χρονιάς Facebook Twitter

Το gif (Graphics Interchange Format), ο τύπος αρχείου που υποστηρίζει animation, υπάρχει εδώ και 25 χρόνια, όμως φέτος έζησε την δεύτερή του Αναγέννηση, η οποία συνέπεσε με την ανάδειξη της λέξης ως «λέξη της χρονιάς για το 2012». Η λίστα με τις υποψήφιες λέξεις ήταν:

• Eurogeddon: the potential financial collapse of the Eurozone, envisaged as having catastrophic implications for the region's economic stability [fromeuro + (arma)geddon]
• Super PAC: a type of independent political action committee which may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, and individuals but is not permitted to contribute to or coordinate directly with parties or candidates
• Superstorm: an unusually large and destructive storm
• Nomophobia: anxiety caused by being without one's mobile phone [from no+ mo(bile) + phobia]
• Higgs boson: a subatomic particle whose existence is predicted by the theory that unified the weak and electromagnetic interactions
• YOLO: you only live once; typically used as rationale or endorsement for impulsive or irresponsible behavior
• MOOC: massive open online course; a university course offered free of charge via the internet

Τech & Science



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