".το οτι εχουν γινει ομως θαυματα σε ασθενεις με βαριες περιπτωσεις ..καποιες και με βεβαιο θανατο...ειναι πραγματικοτητα...και το εχουν αποδεχτει και οι ιδιοι οι γιατροι...εσεις δεν το αποδεχεστε.."Word of mouth?...Και μετά ήρθαν οι μέλισσες.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_remission+http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150306-the-mystery-of-vanishing-cancer+"Spontaneous Remission and the Placebo Effect"https://www.quackwatch.org/04ConsumerEducation/placebo.html+Faith healing(...)"Many years ago the Journal of the American Medical Association used to have a regular feature where there would be a testimonial on one page describing how a patient was cured of cancer. On the opposite page, they would print the patient’s death certificate showing that he had died of that cancer shortly after providing the testimonial.The explanations for most alleged cancer cures are:-The patient never had cancer. (Was a biopsy done?)-A cancer was cured or put into remission by proven therapy, but questionable therapy was also used and erroneously credited for the beneficial result.-The cancer is progressing but is erroneously represented as slowed or cured.-The patient has died as a result of the cancer (or is lost to follow-up) but is represented as cured.-The patient had a spontaneous remission (very rare) or slow-growing cancer that is publicized as a cure.(...)https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/faith-healing/------http://www.topontiki.gr/article/163614/iereas-yposhetai-therapeia-apo-aniates-astheneies-me-agiasmeno-ladi-zita-apo-toys
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