Στα γερμανικά μάλιστα υπάρχει και δεύτερη λέξη γι αυτό ακριβώς το συναίσθημα: Wanderlust, που όμως δεν χρησιμοποιείται πλέον απ'τους Γερμανούς (αλλά το πήραν οι Αγγλόφωνοι). Fernweh (lit. "farsickness"), was coined as an antonym to Heimweh ("homesickness"). The first documented use of the term in English occurred in 1902[2] as a reflection of what was then seen as a characteristically German predilection for wandering that may be traced back to German Romanticism and the German system of apprenticeship (the journeyman), as well as the adolescent custom of the 'Wanderbird' seeking unity with Nature.[3]
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