" A review of this literature is considered in terms of theresponsiveness of marijuana initiation, regular use and heavy use to changes in the price of marijuana, enforcement risk, decriminalization and other legal risks. From this review it is clearthat total consumption will rise in response to legalization due to increases in the number of new users, increases in the number of regular and he avy users, and probable in creases in the duration in which marijuana is consumed for average users. "http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/working_papers/2010/RAND_WR770.pdf"Legalization of marijuana could decrease adolescents' perceptions of the risk of use and increase their exposure to this drug. Furthermore, data concerning adolescents' use of the 2 drugs that are legal for adults (alcohol and tobacco) suggest strongly that legalization of marijuana would have a negative effect on youth. Alcohol and tobacco are the drugs most widely abused by adolescents, although their sale to adolescents (younger than 18 years for tobacco and younger than 21 years for alcohol) is illegal. Research demonstrates that manufacturers of alcohol and tobacco market their products to young people, and the recent Supreme Court decision and experience with the Synar Amendment suggest that, if marijuana were legalized, restrictions on the sale and advertising of the substance to young people would prove daunting." http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/113/6/e632.long
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