Μου αρκεί ένα σχόλιο στο youtube για να με πείσει ότι δεν είμαι παράλογη: I'm black and i don't see the racism. she's not actually colonizing africa its about a movie that takes place there. I get that colonization was horrible and everything but this isn't even about that, its about a romance in the fucking wild. and I have an African mom, I honestly don't see anything wrong with this (except for that wig, that shit looks fake as hell) but people seriously need to stop bitching over everything. even though there was only one black man in the whole video, it's really not that deep, I mean for real, you really think that the people who made this video had racist intentions? I'm not the biggest fan of taylor, and she's a lot of things but I'm not gonna call her racist. honestly youre making this video a bigger deal than it needs to be.
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