"Αρχίζω και αμφιβάλω πλέον για το iq αυτού του λαού που προσκυνάει την Χαμάς, εμπλέκεται σε εμφυλίους και αλληλοσκοτώνεται και ρίχνει ρουκετες εναντίον ενός ισχυρού γείτονα για να προκαλέσει αντίποινα και μετά να χτυπιέται και να λιποθυμά πάνω από φέρετρα μπροστά σε κάμερες."Δεν ξέρω φίλτατε. Όπως έχω πει πολλάκις εδώ εμείς είμεθα έτοιμοι να ανασκαλοπίσομε τον διπλανό μας που μπορεί να είναι εντελώς "ομόρατσος" με μας, σε περίπτωση μίας ταλαιπωρίας-στριμώγματος ολίγων ωρών (βλ. ΜΜΜ). ...Μου δίδεται δε η αίσθησις ότι εύκολα κρίνουμε το ψυχολογικό υπόβαθρο αυτού του κόσμου (που ουσιαστικά είναι σε ομηρία δεκαετίες, και χωρίς να συμφωνώ καθόλου με τις παπαριές που κάνει η hamas και με τις ανθρώπινες ασπίδες obviously). Επίσης, δεν κατάλαβα, τι πρέπει να κάνουν, να πάνε να γίνουν annexed με την Ιορδανία; Πάντως υπάρχει σκέψη για συνομοσπονδία: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190218-a-palestine-jordan-confederation-is-becoming-a-very-real-possibility/amp/------"Υπάρχουν εκατομμύρια Παλαιστίνιοι ισραηλινής υπηκοότητας που ζουν μια χαρά μέσα στο Ισραήλ, έχουν όλα τα δικαιώματα, εκλέγουν βουλευτές στην Κνεσέτ."Γύρω στο 1.8 εκατ., 20% του πληθυσμού, αλλά για το "μια χαρά" ίσως τα πράγματα είναι περισσότερο σχετικά:"Israel’s hugely controversial “nation-state” law, explained.Supporters call Israel’s new Jewish nation-state law a “defining moment.” Critics say it’s “apartheid.”"(...)The law does three big things:It states that:“the right to exercise national self-determination” in Israel is “unique to the Jewish people.”It establishes Hebrew as Israel’s official language, and downgrades Arabic — a language widely spoken by Arab Israelis — to a “special status.”It establishes “Jewish settlement as a national value” and mandates that the state “will labor to encourage and promote its establishment and development.”(...)Founded in 1948 in the wake of the Holocaust, Israel has long struggled with its self-identification as both a Western-style democracy that affords equal rights to all citizens regardless of race or religion and a country envisioned as a refuge for Jews.Waves of Jewish immigrants from Arab countries as well as from Russia and Eastern Europe, South America, and Ethiopia have kept Israel’s Jewish population growing. Under Israel’s *law of return*, any Jew can easily become an Israeli citizen.But during Israel’s war for independence, which Palestinians call the nakba, or catastrophe, 700,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled their homes. Today, their descendants remain refugees, and many still live in urban, slumlike refugee camps across the Middle East. Palestinians who remained in Israel in 1948 were offered citizenship and now make up 21 percent of the population.(...)Today, Arab Israelis have a different legal status from the 350,000 Palestinians who live under Israeli occupation in East Jerusalem, the 2.5 million who live in the Palestinian Authority-administered West Bank, and the 1.9 million who live in the blockaded Gaza Strip under the rule of Hamas, which the US and several other Western countries have designated a terrorist organization.Those populations of Palestinians are technically stateless. This means that, for instance, Palestinians in East Jerusalem can’t vote in Israeli national elections or obtain Israeli passports, among other restrictions. For Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, it means that major parts of their lives are controlled by Israel — a country they have no direct voice in.Arab Israelis, on the other hand, are citizens of Israel and therefore, at least in theory, have access to the same passports, elections, education, health care, infrastructure, and security as Jewish Israelis.But while they certainly enjoy more rights than Palestinians in East Jerusalem, who in turn have it better than Palestinians in the West Bank, who have it far better than Palestinians in Gaza, Arab Israelis say that since the state’s founding, in practice they have not been afforded the same rights as Jewish Israelis (...)The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, an Israeli human rights organization, has documented entrenched discrimination and socioeconomic differences in “land, urban planning, housing, infrastructure, economic development, and education.” More than half the poor families in Israel are Arab, and Arab municipalities are the poorest in Israel, according to ACRIhttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy+"Not All Israeli Citizens Are Equal"I’m a Palestinian who was born in the Israeli town of Lod, and thus I am an Israeli citizen. My wife is not; she is a Palestinian from Nablus in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (...)If we lived in the region, I would have to forgo my residency, since Israeli law prevents my wife from living with me in Israel. This is to prevent what Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu once referred to as “demographic spillover.” Additional Palestinian babies in Israel are considered “demographic threats” by a state constantly battling to keep a Jewish majority. (Of course, Israelis who marry Americans or any non-Palestinian foreigners are not subjected to this treatment.)(...)Today, a Jew from any country can move to Israel, while a Palestinian refugee, with a valid claim to property in Israel, cannot. And although Palestinians make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population, the 2012 budget allocates less than 7 percent for Palestinian citizens.(...)What exists today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is therefore essentially one state, under Israeli control, where Palestinians have varying degrees of limited rights: 1.5 million are second-class citizens, and four million more are not citizens at all. If this is not apartheid, then whatever it is, it’s certainly not democracy.https://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/24/opinion/not-all-israeli-citizens-are-equal.html+"Jewish Nation-state Law Makes Discrimination in Israel Constitutional"There is no choice but to conclude that the policy in the territories, which would befit an apartheid regime (being based on ethnicity) is now walking tall in Israel itself, through what purports to be Israel’s new, strengthened constitution. The Zionist ambition of forming a just society based on the value of equality is called into question.For Arab citizens to come to terms with the law (they couldn’t possibly agree with it), they would have to come to terms with being absent, or inferior; according to the attorney general, they would have to accept having no collective rights as a national minority. Nobody could come to terms with things like that involving such humiliation, and no decent person should lend a hand to a “law” that requires things a law must not require. This is not a deed worthy of being called legislation; this is aberrant use of the arbitrary force of the majority to deliberately harm the minority by enacting a Basic Law. If this is allowed to pass, we won’t have anywhere to hide our shame.https://www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/israel-news/.premium-nation-state-law-makes-discrimination-in-israel-constitutional-1.6291906+"IDF Intelligence Chief: Palestinian Despair, Frustration Are Among Reasons for Terror Wave"Major General Herzi Halevi's assessment contradicts Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's message which blames the attacks on incitement and ingrained hatred."https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/israel-news/.premium-idf-mi-chief-palestinian-despair-among-reasons-for-terror-wave-1.5416577+"Can There Be Equality for Palestinian-Israelis in the Jewish State?Meet Yousef Jabareen, the Joint List MK who accepts the two-state solution, pushes for Arab-Jewish equality – and thinks Israelis should accept the Palestinian right of return."https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/opinion/.premium-can-there-be-equality-for-palestinian-israelis-in-the-jewish-state-1.5418325+"Poll: Half of Israeli High Schoolers Oppose Equal Rights for Arabs"https://www.haaretz.com/1.5040299+"Marriage to an Arab is national treason"Recent poll reveals steep rise in racist views against Arabs in Israel; many participants feel hatred, fear when overhearing Arabic, 75 percent don’t approve of shared apartment buildings    Over half of the Jewish population in Israel believes the marriage of a Jewish woman to an Arab man is equal to national treason, according to a recent survey by the Geocartography Institute.https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3381978,00.html+"The new Israeli apartheid: Poll reveals widespread Jewish support for policy of discrimination against Arab minority"47 per cent of respondents would like to see Israel's Arab citizens stripped of their citizenship rightshttps://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/the-new-israeli-apartheid-poll-reveals-widespread-jewish-support-for-policy-of-discrimination-8223548.html
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