...Εκφυλισμένοι άγριοι, βάρβαρα γονίδια, ιθαγενείς συγκρίσιμοι με τους κανιβάλους, δαιμονικό νησί κ.λπ..Aχ, θέλει η ρατσίστω να κρυφτεί και η χαρά δεν την αφήνει. Παρεμπιπτόντως:Κατανάλωση κρέατος kg/άτομο (2002)France 101.1 Greece 78.7 Reunion 46.8India 5.2Η Ρεουνιόν, με πληθυσμό mix (*) και ανάμεσα στις Φιλιππίνες και την Ιαπωνία από άποψη πυκνότητας πληθυσμού (αρκετά μεγάλη δηλαδή) αντιμετωπίζει σοβαρή κρίση με επιθέσεις καρχαριών, ειδικώς απ' το 2011 και μετά. Υπάρχει μία πληθώρα σοβαρών περιβαντολλογικών λόγων (και ανθρωπογενών παρεμβάσεων, φυσικά) που «φωτογραφίζονται» ως υπαίτιοι (**). Οι επιθέσεις επηρεάζουν τον τουρισμό αρνητικά, επηρεάζουν τους κατοίκους καθώς απ' ότι αντιλαμβάνομαι υπάρχουν περιορισμοί και απαγορεύσεις …τελοσπάντων το όλον θέμα είναι μείζονος σημασίας, εκεί. Σίγουρα αυτή η κρίση δεν αφορά τα όποια εντόσθια μπορεί να ρίξουν κάποιοι ινδουιστές στην θάλασσα (ΕΛΕΟΣ κυρία Μπαρντό μου!).(*) Whites, Cafres, Indo-Réunionnais, Malbars, and Chinois(**)For decades, the people of Réunion Island peacefully coexisted with the immense ocean and its sharp-toothed neighbors that surround it. But beginning in 2011, something changed. The alarming rate at which shark attacks increased reached the point of a crisis, leaving its citizens perplexed as to what exactly happened and what should be done to combat it. In part one of Surrounded: Island of Sharks, Motherboard investigates the possible ecological and man-made causes of the recent spike in human-shark interaction, and its impact on the evolving complexity of the relationship between man and naturehttps://www.theinertia.com/surf/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-shark-crisis-in-reunion-island/+"Highest attack zone in the world, and government officials continue to wring hands.It has been a rough time for Reunion Island, the once-pristine Indian Ocean surf destination. Surf shops have closed, surf camps and resorts are empty, with their doors shut. Surf schools have packed up their soft-tops, and the industry is all but done.It is still illegal to surf, and the rules and regulations are simply in place to protect those officials in charge from getting into legal troubles, and not to protect ocean-users.Reunion is the highest-risk location for a shark attack in the whole world, and little has really been done in shark mitigation processes. There have been nets, there have been drumlines, and there have been extensive security watches – divers, boats, drones etc. – but all have been short-lived and experimental, while nothing is being done on a political level to stop the constant attacks.A large chuck of coastline on the west coast of Reunion was declared a no-fishing zone back in 2007, and something went out of whack with the ecosystem in the process. There are many theories, including loss of natural food for sharks, and the sudden drop on shark catching, but either way, the bull sharks came to town.Another theory was that the natural shark populations flourished after the island banned the fishing of sharks for food way back in 1999. This decision was motivated by confirmation that shark meat contains high levels of the dangerous toxin ciguatera. The prevalence of larger shark species is also due in part to overfishing in Reunion, which possibly caused the collapse of resident reef shark populations. In response to the resulting biological space, bull shark numbers in particular soared (...)https://www.tracksmag.com.au/news/the-sharks-of-reunion-485665
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