"Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. Neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran states "We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn't really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe. (...) People laugh when they need to project dignity and control during times of stress and anxiety. In these situations, people usually laugh in a subconscious attempt to reduce stress and calm down, however, it often works otherwise. Nervous laughter is often considered fake laughter and even heightens the awkwardness of the situation"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nervous_laughter______"We often find ourselves laughing at the strangest of moments. As psychologists are discovering, those helpless giggles might be one of our most important and profound behaviors."http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150320-why-do-we-laugh-inappropriately______"Why Clients Smile When Talking About Trauma?"This week in my private practice several different clients bravely shared memories of childhood abuse as well as anecdotes about the recent ways in which they felt slighted or hurt. As they recounted their experiences, which to any observer would be described as painful, humiliating, and invalidating, it was striking to notice how their stories were accompanied by smiles and laughter."https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/healing-trauma-s-wounds/201509/why-clients-smile-when-talking-about-trauma-part-1______...Παραλίγο να πυροβολήσουν στον κεφάλι αυτήν την Κούρδισα sniper, που *την τραβούν με κάμερα*. Η εν λόγω αντί να έχει ένα τυπικά σοκαρισμένο ή φοβισμένο ή σοβαρό ή ...ότι ύφος -τελοσπάντων- θα αναμέναμε να έχει, εντούτοις διαθέτει ένα χαμόγελο διαρκείας, απ' το ένα αυτί στο άλλο, κι όχι δεν είναι fake.:"Kurdish woman fighting Isis in Raqqa laughs after being narrowly missed by sniper"http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-40430552/female-kurdish-sniper-cheats-death-at-hands-of-is
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