Απεργία την Πρωτομαγιά

> Xenakis described the play of sirens, gunfire, and spotlights in Athens in the 1940s as like a "large-scale spectacle"[The Wire - Iannis Xenakis: Primal Architect](http://bit.ly/19EBAxU):> > Xenakis was fascinated by the noise of crowds and of gunshot sounds in space.> > "I discovered things about sound that I was not taught, that no one had told me. People shouting in waves, it's a very special experience. I was there in December 1944 when the Communist resistance was suppressed by the British troops. I was fighting against the British as I fought against the Germans. What was interesting were the bullets in the night, whistling, and explosions here and there, and also the searchlights trying to spot the planes - that was with the Germans. It was a large-scale spectacle that was very interesting."Κάτι παρόμοιο είχε πει ο Stockhausen για την επίθεση στους Δίδυμους Πύργους, ότι ήταν «το μεγαλύτερο έργο τέχνης όλων των εποχών», κι είχε γίνει χαμός με τις αντιδράσεις:> Was da geschehen ist, ist – jetzt müssen Sie alle Ihr Gehirn umstellen – das größte Kunstwerk, dass es je gegeben hat. > "What happened there, is – now you must all reset your brain – the greatest artwork ever.
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