Μία τρανς γυναίκα αθλήτρια, όπως και δήποτε, θα νικήσει τις cisgender συναθλήτριές της; Όχι βέβαια, απλά σε περίπτωση που νικήσει θα λέμε ότι αυτό οφείλεται στο τρανς στάτους της και όχι -φερ' ειπείν- στην σκληρή της δουλεια, ενώ σε όλες τι ήττες της, από cis γυναίκες, απλά, δεν ασχολούμεθα, δεν εγγράφουν. Επίσης, αποτελεί αβαντάζ, σε όλα τα αθλήματα το μεγαλύτερο ύψος+βάρος: Όχι απαραίτητα. Παρομοίως:https://www.google.com/amp/amp.abc.net.au/article/9634496----Η επιτροπή ολυμπιακών αγώνων, επισήμως, επιτρέπει τρανς αθλητές απ' το 2004, οπότε έχουν γίνει μερικές ολυμπιάδες από τότε και -αν δεν απατώμαι- ούτε καμία επέλασις τρανς αθλητών έγινε και σίγουρα δεν έχει γίνει καμία "υφαρπαγή" μεταλλίων.Φυσικά και το ζήτημα δεν είναι απλόΑπό τη wiki:"People who oppose transgender women competing in women's sports say that they are given an unfair advantage over cisgender women due to their testosterone levels, and different muscle and fat distribution. Testosterone regulates many different functions in the body, including the maintenance of bone and muscle mass. It is also argued that athletes who transition to a woman after puberty will have a greater muscle to fat ratio compared to female athletes.However, the use of estrogen supplements and testosterone blockers (or physical castration via sex reassignment) cause a decrease in muscle mass, bone density,[citation needed] and oxygen-carrying red blood cells. This leads to a decrease in strength, speed, and endurance. According to Joanna Harper, a competitive runner, scientist, and transgender woman, every athlete has advantages and disadvantages. The greater height that a transgender woman may have gained before transitioning may be an advantage on the basketball court but it is likely to be disadvantageous to a gymnast.Eric Vilain, a professor of human genetics at UCLA and a consultant to the IOC medical commission, stated: "There is 10 to 12% difference between male and female athletic performance. We need to categorize with criteria that are relevant to performance. It is a very difficult situation with no easy solution."+"This scientist is racing to discover how gender transitions alter athletic performance—including her own"https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2018/07/scientist-racing-discover-how-gender-transitions-alter-athletic-performance-including?r3f_986=https://www.google.com/----"The big question, of course, is how much of an advantage trans athletes might have when they transition. Science does not offer a full answer. However, pioneering research from Joanna Harper, a medical physicist who was born male and later transitioned, shows that when runners take hormone-suppressing medication they end up with similar gender-graded performance standards as women as they did as men. Therefore fears that trans runners or cyclists could have a large advantage in endurance sports appear unfounded.But it is not that simple. “People say transgender women have advantages in sports and, you know what, it’s true,” says Harper, who advises the IOC and is recognised as a leader in the field. “Even after transition, on average, transgender women are taller, bigger and stronger than cisgender or ‘normal’ women. However, transgender women have disadvantages too. When they transition they have substantial loss of muscle strength and aerobic capacity, which causes them problems with agility, quickness and stamina.Transitioned athletes “undoubtedly benefit” from the muscle memory of years of strength training – according to Harper – although more research is needed to find out by how much. That is not easy given the lack of funding and the need for exercise physiologists at universities to work with endocrinologists at gender clinics."+Testosterone limits for female athletes based on 'flawed' researchhttps://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/02/190212160030.htmΔύσκολο το θέμα και δεν αφορά μόνο τις τρανς γυναίκες (οι τρανς άνδρες, κατ' αναλογία, θεωρούνται πως έχουν ντεσαβαντάζ, έναντι των cis ανδρών) αλλά και άτομα μη τρανς, DSD ή μεσοφυλικά [...ας μην μπούμε στην διαδικασία άλλων άσχετων παραδειγμάτων π.χ. των αριστερόχειρων που έχουν ξεκάθαρο αβαντάζ σε αγωνίσματα τύπου ξιφασκία, cricket, baseball, table tennis και που σε elite επίπεδο υπερεκπροσωπούνται έως και 30% ή, ας πούμε, τις υπάρχουσες διακυμάνσεις (ύψους, βάρους, όγκου, μυϊκή μάζας κ.λπ), μεταξύ ομόφυλων (συν)αθλητών]. Πάντως, ανεξάρτητα με το τι πιστεύουν κάποιοι 'που φαίνεται, τόσο πολύ, να κόπτονται για το "fair play" των γυναικών" τα τρανς άτομα, γενικώς, και δη οι τρανς αθλητές ειδικώς δεν μοιράζονται, πάντα, τις ίδιες απόψεις:βλ."These transgender cyclists have Olympian disagreement on how to define fairness"https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/995434001+Παρεπιπτόντως, η Renée Richards, η οποία υπήρξε groundbreaking τρανς competitive, στην εποχή της, τενίστρια (στα 70s δλδ)  υπήρξε και coach και φίλη της Navra.βλ.https://slate.com/culture/2012/10/jewish-jocks-and-renee-richards-the-life-of-the-transsexual-tennis-legend.html
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