...Τι να πει, κανείς με την ανθρώπινη θηριωδία που μας δέρνει.Απ' ότι αντιλαμβάνομαι, από ξένα άρθρα, το παιδί το ξεκοιλιάσανε, με την κυριολεκτική έννοια, του πέταξαν τα έντερα έξω. Τραγικό!επίσης:"In the last couple of months, another worrying trend has emerged. Between August and September, four high-profile women have been assassinated. They lived in different cities and had different occupations. They only had two common traits: They were all women and they were all successful in their respective fields."https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/plight-iraqi-women-181010132232807.html
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