@rigormortis 25.1.2014 | 01:22Η ελπίδα πεθαίνει τελευταία. [Languages of Afghanistan](http://bit.ly/1aS1l25):> Afghanistan is a multilingual country in which two languages - Pashto and Dari - are both official and most widely spoken.> Dari (Persian) functions as the nation's lingua franca. Due to Afghanistan's multi-ethnic character, bilingualism and multilingualism are common phenomena.> Pashto35-55%> Dari25-50%> Uzbek8.5-9%> Turkmen2.5%> Other languages 4%> According to a 2006 opinion poll survey, Dari was the first language of 49% of the polled people, while an additional 37% spoke it as a second language; 42% were able to read Dari.
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