Φρίκη! Φρίκη! και πάλι φρίκη!_____Δεν ξέρω αν/πόσο σχετίζεται με την περίπτωση, όμως:Brazil: The dangerous rise of Evangelical Fundamentalism.How religion took over the Brazilian CongressAs the population became more enamoured with the Evangelical movement, pastors and others from the Church began to run for political office. Many were successful and have won seats in Congress. Today the ‘bancada evangelica‘ or ‘evangelical caucus’ has 75 of the 512 seats in the lower house of Congress, hundreds of state legislators and city councillors, and is in control of one ministry. Current Brazilian politics cannot be explained without Eduardo Cunha, the Speaker of the Lower House of Congress, and an evangelical Christian. His religious views have undoubtedly informed his political actions. Cunha proposed a bill that would make abortion illegal in all instances. Currently, abortion in Brazil is already restricted. However, there are exceptions for rape, if the mother’s life is in danger, and for anencephalopathy, a condition in which a foetus develops without part of the brain or skull.This proposed legislation would set back hard-fought reproductive rights by decades, requiring women to undergo forensic tests. Cunha has also proposed a bill to create a day for ‘Heterosexual Pride’, to oppose Gay Pride, and“discourage anyone to the ‘gay ideology’.” Further laws to denigrate civil rights have also been tabled by the evangelical caucus. A bill which ended up being approved by Congress was the ‘Estatuto da Familia‘, which established that only a union between a man and a woman could constitute a family. This dismisses same-sex parents, as well as single-parent families, children raised by grandparents, and other family arrangements. https://emergingmarketshub.net/2015/12/08/brazil-the-dangerous-rise-of-evangelical-fundamentalism/_____"The threat of “religious fundamentalism” has gone ignored as Brazil’s major parties have scrambled for the votes of conservative evangelicals who now make up more than 20% of the population, he wrote." https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/brazilian-lgbt-community-looks-on-in-fear-at-rise-of-evangel?utm_term=.ioKREQyEP6#.xjvzvV3vqK_____The "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God" is a Pentecostal Christian denomination with headquarters in the Temple of Solomon, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was founded on July 9, 1977 in Rio de Janeiro by Edir Macedo. In 1999 it had 8 million members in Brazil, and had established temples in the United Kingdom and, since 1992, set up temples in Africa and in India, with a 1999 total of more than 12 million members worldwide.(...)Edir Macedo has said he wants to "create a theocratic state" by winning elections in Brazil._____Μιλιταριστικού τύπου:"Em culto da Universal, jovens marcham, batem continencia e se dizem 'prontos para a batalha'""In Universal worship, young people march, salute and say 'ready for battle'"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzzzvlwX4W0και https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-04/14/12/campaign_images/webdr01/the-rise-of-brazils-guardians-of-the-altar-2-14458-1429030263-10_dblbig.jpg_____Επίσης ενδιαφέρον για την βία εναντίον lgbtqi+:"While Americans have fiercely debated how to respond to the massacre last month at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., Brazilians have been confronting their own epidemic of anti-gay violence — one that, by some counts, has earned Brazil the ignominious ranking of the world’s deadliest place for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people.Nearly ***1,600*** people have died in hate-motivated attacks in the past four and half years, according to Grupo Gay da Bahia, which tracks the deaths through news articles. By its tally, a gay or transgender person is killed almost every day in this nation of 200 million.“And these numbers represent only the tip of the iceberg of violence and bloodshed,” said Eduardo Michels, the group’s data manager, adding that the Brazilian police often omit anti-gay animus when compiling homicide reports.https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/06/
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