Νερό, αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι σύμφωνα με τον ΠΟΥ, υπάρχουν 4 ειδών fgm με επιπλέον υποκατηγορίες (εδώ χονδρικά βλ.https://goo.gl/images/uH9b1N). Ο ιστός που επηρεάζεται δεν είναι μόνο η κλειτορίδα. Γυναίκες εμφανίζουν από PTSN μέχρι απαρεύνια/δυσπαρεύνια μέχρι δυσμηνόρρια και αυξημένη δυσκολία στον τοκετό (http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/releases/2006/pr30/en/) ακόμη και δυσκολία στην ούρηση, μολύνσεις και μόνιμη ενόχληση. Εδώ μπορεί να δει κανείς τις short term και long term επιπτώσεις του fgm:http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/fgm/health_consequences_fgm/en/ Ένα ενδιαφέρον άρθρο αναφορικά με το κομμάτι του σεξ είναι το κάτωθι και καλό θα ήταν να του ρίξει, κανείς, μία ματιά ολόκληρο:"What It's Like to Have Sex After Undergoing Female Genital Mutilation"(...)Dr. Doris Chou, medical officer for the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO, said research suggests women who are living with FGM "are more likely to experience pain or reduction in sexual satisfaction and desire," and, in addition to significant pain during intercourse, might face reductions in arousal, decreased lubrication during sex, limited capacity for orgasm or even anorgasmia.(...)"I've heard survivors say [their FGM] doesn't bother them, they still get pleasure from sex," Kontoulis said. "That might be physically absolutely true, or it might be that they just don't expect to have pleasure. It doesn't bother them. In that sense, it's difficult, because you don't want to impose your own kind of pleasure system or cultural system or sexual system on another person. But the problem with that is there's a line between trying to be culturally diplomatic and treating FGM as a human rights violation, and it's difficult to not cross it." https://www.google.gr/amp/s/m.mic.com/articles/amp/143289/what-it-s-like-to-have-sex-after-undergoing-female-genital-mutilation
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