Η θέση των γονέων είναι κατανοητή μεν, αλλά αν έχεις παρακολουθήσει την υπόθεση δεν είναι καθόλου, μα καθόλου straightforward. Το βρέφος πάσχει από αυτήν την ανίατη ασθένεια, έχει εξαιρετικά μεγάλη και ΜΗ αναστρέψιμη εγκεφαλική βλάβη, σε σημείο που ουσιαστικά δεν ξέρουν αν είναι ξύπνιο ή κοιμάται, ούτε αν πονάει ή όχι, δεν κουνιέται, δεν βλέπει, δεν ακούει, δεν παράγει ήχους. Η οποιαδήποτε "θεραπεία" πιθανότατα το μόνο που θα κάνει θα είναι να επιμηκύνει την νεκροζωντανή του κατάσταση. “Even the American neurologist said the treatment was “very unlikely” that Charlie would improve, and that the “cultural difference“ in treatment between the United States and England was the only difference in approach, as “anything“ would be tried in the United States, even without rigorous clinical trial. The neurologist, who acknowledged never having seen Charlie, could only state: “I would just like to offer what we can.” Perhaps, he offered, some upper body strength might and reduced time on ventilators might be achieved, although there would be NO STRUCTURAL REPAIR to the brain”.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/charlie-gard-the-nexus-of-end-of-life-issues-public_us_5968f39ee4b06a2c8edb4605και, δυστυχώς, στήνονται και πολιτικές και ιδεολογίες πίσω από το support αυτού του ατυχούς βρέφους και των ταλαίπωρων γονιών του:«It's hard to argue with a powerful world leader vowing to use his position of influence to potentially improve the wellbeing of a very vulnerable person: a terminally ill baby. But when that powerful world leader is Donald Trump, the offer to help this particular baby — albeit in no specified way — reeks of hypocrisy. That's because so many of Donald Trump's policies and proposed policies have the ability to threaten the health,and chances of survival of so many other kids who need treatment in the United States»https://www.romper.com/p/trumps-position-on-charlie-gard-is-hypocritical-for-this-reason-68104
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