Varoufakis’s main legacy is a reversible euro.Τρομερό legacy για την Ευρώπη.Βέβαια και ο Σόιμπλε άφησε ένα αντίστοιχο legacy, όπως λέει παρακάτω το ίδιο άρθρο: Germans were working on something similar.At the height of the crisis, the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble put forward his own Plan B for Greece. It involved a “temporary” suspension of its membership in the euro, along with plenty of humanitarian aid to help it through the first few difficult months of re-establishing its own currency.In practice, of course, the “temporary” suspension of euro membership would be a fig leaf. It is impossible to imagine the circumstances in which the Greeks would choose to rejoin a monetary system that had already plunged them into a catastrophic recession.Legacy που μάλλον ακυρώνει τις ατομικές υπερπροσπάθειες εκπόνησης αντίστοιχα γελοίων Plan B.
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