ΙαπετέΚαι πάλι δεν έχω σε κάτι να διαφωνήσω.Όμως από μόνη της η "εβραϊκή ταυτότητα" έχει τις ιδιομορφίες της:"Jewish identity can be separated into three separate, independent parts:1.Ethnic/Ancestral Judaism (those of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, or Mizrahi Jewish ancestry, or more specifically, those Jews who by all secular accounts are the descendants of the those who were depopulated by the Romans in c.100 CE, resulting in the Jewish Diaspora)2.Religious Judaism (those Jews who follow the tenets of the Jewish religion)3.Cultural Judaism (those Jews who celebrate Jewish holidays and were "raised in a Jewish home")."Στο πρωταρχικό ερώτημα που έθεσαν οι ναζί (για δικό τους λογαριασμό, πάντοτε) δηλ. "ποι@ είναι Εβραί@;" η θρησκεία (ή καλύτερα το ...λινεάζ ακολουθούμενης θρησκείας από τους προγόνους)αποτέλεσε σαφές μέσον ως προς την επινόηση μίας / και κατηγοριοποίηση σε μία ομοιογενή "εβραϊκής ράτσα" (πλην ολίγων εξαιρέσεων):"[...] The Nazi regime instituted laws discriminating against Jews, DECLARED *A RACE* by the Nazis, and thus needed a working definition of WHO IS A JEW as to its law-defined race system. These definitions almost completely categorised persons through the RELIGIONS followed by each individual's ANCESTORS, according to membership registries. Thus personal faith or individual observance, as well as the religious definitions of Judaism as given by the Halacha, were mostly ignored.In Germany itself, the Ahnenpass and Nuremberg Laws classified people as being of the Jewish race if they descended from three or four grandparents enrolled in JEWISH CONGREGATIONS. A person with one or two grandparents enrolled in a Jewish congregation could be classified as Mischling [...]"
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